Monday, 2 May 2011

After A While~


my eyes hurt. A LOT. i hate it very much coz my eyes are swealing and tears flowing *overflowing i think..* out from my eyes non stop! i got the infection from my brother, Q. 


for giving me chances to experienced the absolute pain of eye sore. eh? sore eye la..

nvm, it's all fated to be this way...and i accepted it as the way it be. i hope i can get better soon. coz i dont want to miss the fishing activity! >~<)/


and i'm sorry for not posting any entries for days. i've been away to PJ, visiting my granny there. i know that all of u are frustrated *ceh, this girl is really full of herself.* but trust me!! i'll never do that again!! unless if there are obstacles that cannot be avoid. ;D

ahahahahaha, u know what? i feel so happy today. because of what? 
it's because of this :

ah my friend..i love u. muah3
and today, i'm going to tell u guys bout her. yeah, her. DO U HAVE PROBLEM WITH THAT??????
chill u people! hahahaha

then, the journey begin :

  • i've been knowing her for about 2 and a quarter years (2011). *that's the most wonderful years. ah, good time..goooood time...*
  • u know what? first time that i met her, she was babbling about her seat that is a little bit far from the fan.  hahahah, everytime that i remembered that i'll laugh. crazy little girl. next time just go and buy an air-cond la. >W<)/
  • she's physically not to tall but short is a yes. *hehehehe* she's easy going and sporting. always supporting me *as well as bebel2* everytime i lost my tracks. *wow, how many tracks did i lost before i know her?*
  • she's creative which is cannot be denied. have i mention it here that she's not stingy? i remember everytime i dont have anyone to pick me up at school, she will offer to ride with her. *REMPIT!* hahaha, and of course la, without the helmet on. *we're so fortunate that there are no police around. ngehehehe :D*
  • sometimes she'll be so annoying when it is involving something that she like. *for example, the H guy. i hate him coz he always boosting bout his intelligence which is not so intelligence to do? yet, she backing him up. nvm la. people opinion is different from each other*
  • she is so MATURED!!*for me la* she is like my kakak. always remind me about something that important.*which i always forgot. hey, it slip from my mind la*
  • and yeah i'll put her a step higher than my BF. she's always stick with me. but the BF is not. we can change em easily. muahahaha*sound like evil girl that love to switch her BF huh? no la. i dont have any. hihihi*
  • last but not least, 

old memories remain. and how i hate it coz they always comes in my mind and make me misses them more and more. :)

we'll forever be friends. love the backsinger too. hahaha
until next entries babe. cheerio!

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