Tuesday, 24 May 2011

The Battery Is Fully Charged!!

i dont know why but after i'm posting the latest entry here, i had become energetic *too energetic*
and that's good u know. since this upcoming jun 20th  i'll be going to the IPG and i'll need more energy to survive the orientation week. *maybe i need to stand by extra battery.* and i will be studying in the
physical and health

mybe i'll acting like this when i had graduate from the u. kakaka

hooray! my dream had comes true! *what kind of dream?*
well, actually back then, 
when i was still an elementary kid,  i wish that i will become a teacher someday.
just like my mom and abah.
*that is before i'm exposed to the peer influence. well, all my friends want to be somebody rich when they grew up. and that's really affect my ambition somehow....*

now, i'm so greatful that i am given a chance to be a teacher through the IPG. TTuTT

thanks to Allah. 


lately i had experienced something. which is not new to me. *since i always experienced it numerous times...*
what is it? WHAT? WHAAAAATTTT??

well, it's the IDLENESS!!!!

is it dangerous? oh my! it's SUPER DANGEROUS!!!!

it will affect ur daily activities and ate u from within!!!!  *uuuuu, scaryy~ heh!  u are just exagerate thing..*
hee, i'm joking. :D

nvm that, u people! lets continue to our story! *the actual story lol*

well, to be frank, i'm actually tooooooooooooooooo damn lazy to post something in here. *which means, no entries, no blabbing, no etc that and etc this.*
and i'm sure that a lot of u are dissapointed with this. *like uurgh! we'll never miss ya! haha*
but, what could i say? i'm just a lil too tired. *too tired actually..*

but now! i'm posting something here!!!!
are u happy people? the legendary pisangKaki is here!

hehe, i dont mind u. all that i feel now, i'm feeling revive.

that's all for today! *is that all?*