Friday, 15 April 2011

There You GO!

assalamualaikum guys!
*did cha know what time is it already?* yeah, of course i know. it'
snap it out!

okay, i know that i should be sleeping by this hour but,
compressing the BUT u guys~

but i am too eager to post something here. *even though i dont know what i should write about*

u dont know but still typing it?????
tell them bout the balloon! the balloon!
AHA! that's it. the reason i used the ballon as the title of this site.

errr..........still considered as BALLOON kan?

maybe, just maybe~ some of u might wonders :

why dont i used bird instead of ballon? well at least the bird cant EXPLODE if there's a sharp, tiny thinggie poking at em. *imagining a bird explode* muahahahaha >:DDD

okay, first is :
  • suddenly i remember my old~buddy, A. which i called her BELON. *when did she got this title? primary school if i'm not mistaken...* and i aint cruel when i say that at that time she look a lil bit like  ballon. or should i say resembled of balloon? hahaha. and yeah, thanks to the old precious time that we had together. oh, how i hope that time can be turned and rolled whenever i want to...tragic huh?
  • suddenly i remember my old~buddy, A. which i called her BELON. *when did she got this title? primary school if i'm not mistaken...* and i aint cruel when i say that at that time she look a lil bit like  ballon. or should i say resembled of balloon? hahaha. and yeah, thanks to the old precious time that we had together. oh, how i hope that time can be turned and rolled whenever i want to...tragic huh?
  • suddenly i remember my old~buddy, A. which i called her BELON. *when did she got this title? primary school if i'm not mistaken...* and i aint cruel when i say that at that time she look a lil bit like  ballon. or should i say resembled of balloon? hahaha. and yeah, thanks to the old precious time that we had together. oh, how i hope that time can be turned and rolled whenever i want to...tragic huh?

and that's it! *wait a sec...u mention the same reason for 3 times!! no fair!*

well, hello~ it's my site. sukati la.

the reason is enough to show u people that i'm actually missing my old life. 
do u think that i loved balloon and for that, i put the balloon as the title? ahaha, that's funny!

to say u the truth, i hate balloon especially when someone hold the balloon un-gently; squezing and pinching.............and squezing again....
urgh! scary little thing! dare not to come near meh!

i'm facing trauma since someone poking a balloon right near my ear.*damn! i dont remember who do it!*

and now, i'm living a HEALTHY life;
just playing with the.....bubbles.
hooray for bubbles!!

yawn, and yawned again~ oh mah gucie! look at the time.

until next entries u guys, sleepy pisangKaki =.=

hey, who put this thing on?  

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