Sunday, 24 April 2011

No Entry!

dont ask me bout the title. i'm not in the mood rite now. >:(
*oh, come on!*

okay, maybe i can tell u a bit bout it. well, maybe that nobody know that i'm actully a very caring girl. easily fell in love *or putting empathize?* in someone. i will show compassion to anyone who needed. and that's why people always taking advantages on me.

darn! i dont care at all!
helping people is one of my talent. so why should i denying it?

until one day, something happened that make me realize, why dont i just care about me? forget others!
just me!

i hate myself for being so phatetic and soft hearted to people when people are not usually treat me the way i'm treating them.

i hate it! 
and for some reason, i kept questioning why?
why did it happened on me?

yea, i got it!
it's my heart. too damn soft and easily sympatize to others. 
this damn heart that always make trouble

and so, i decided.
i'll put an end to all this crap!
i'll close my heart and never open it until the time comes.

yea, till the time comes. yet for now!

my heart is fragile. but now i'm taking precaution step by build some concrete wall around it.
and~ ta da!! nobody can passed through! :)

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