Wednesday, 27 April 2011


when u feel like the time has ticken out, u'll be like this without u knowing it :

and that's what i'm doing rite now. i dont have times today~ TT^TT
my mom was away, at simpang 5. *she was at the pantun competition as the judge and i'm really PROUD i tell u* muahahaha

but since my mom was away and my father was with his ball team *once again, i'm PROUD to tell u guys. ;)* they leaving me alone with some more additional chores which is :

  • pick up ur sisters at school. *three school to be exact* E, A, and IZ. one in SAMTAJ. one in SSB. and one in SKSU. can u imagine that?
  • send ur sister and brother to sekolah agama, KAFA
  • go to the driving school to ask about my JPA test which is...; tomorrow!!!!!!!
  • go to SSB field, and watch the girl playing netball *E and A was on the team. and i'm going because i love netball. so there's not force in this task*

there the list. and plus it :
  • clean the floor *since my silly cat, comot had vomitted...=.=''*
  • clean the floor *and how happy i was when i see that my deary jules leaving his poop on the floor! cats, u know how they were*
  • bathing january *poor him, fell into the drain for the second time* and u know what? including this, i've been bathing em for 5 times already! still on the same reason. fell in the drain.

i'm not happy, but i try to do all the work as fast as i could. 
i'm tired, really. to damn tired. n guess what?

me myself, dont have times to take a bath. *huh, smelly girl!!*

okay, i'll go~

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